School Directions
University of Taipei Directives for Scholarship Recipients and Employee-Oriented Assistants-臺北市立大學獎助生與勞僱型兼任助理權益保障處理要點.docx
University of Taipei Guidelines for Subsidizing Faculty Members to Attend Overseas Academic Activities-臺北市立大學教師出國發表學術活動補助作業要點 -1128修.docx
University of Taipei Guidelines for the Distribution and Usage of Administrative Management Fees for Projects-臺北市立大學專案計畫行政管理費分配使用要點.docx
University of Taipei Guidelines on Applications for NSTC Research Incentives-公告修正「臺北市立大學申請國家科學及技術委員會研究獎勵支給要點」1120816.docx
University of Taipei Guidelines on Industry-Academia Cooperation-臺北市立大學產學合作實施要點 (修)112.11.27.docx
University of Taipei Guidelines on the Management of Income and Expenditure of Revenue Collected on Cooperative Projects-臺北市立大學建教合作收入收支管理要點 (修)112.11.27.doc
University of Taipei Human Subject Research Ethics Committee Review Guidelines-臺北市立大學人體研究倫理委員會審查作業要點106.03.07.docx
University of Taipei Procurement Guidelines for Scientific and Technological Research and Development-臺北市立大學科學技術研究發展採購作業要點 .odt
University of Taipei Research Reward Application Procedures for Faculty Members-公告修正「臺北市立大學教師研究成果獎勵申請要點」1120919.docx
University of Taipei Guidelines for Subsidizing English Paper Editing and International Journal Submissions-臺北市立大學英文稿件編修暨投稿國際期刊刊登補助要點1100421.docx
University of Taipei Regulations on the Management of Research and Development Results and Utilization and Technology Transfer Conflict of Interest Avoid- (修)112.11.27 .docx
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